This is Scott Maits, his two dogs and the historic house he lives in. Scott provided a guided tour of the Philadelphia area and kept me from getting lost. Scott knows his information and he was generous with his time.
Scott set up an event at a school. I got petted by a zillion kids and had to perform my tricks over and over. Dan seemed proud of me - you know I looked good! Kids and adults were sitting on the bike and asking Dan many questions about the bike and me. Dan met a new friend who helped adjust the gears. It was another great day.
When Dan and I were about a half a mile outside Bristol borough, PA, we met Bucks County Commissioner Diane Marseglio and a police escort. We followed a policeman riding his bike and the Commissioner (with a police car behind us holding up all traffic) as we entered Bristol borough. It was a sight that is hard to describe, but I believe all the dogs behind us being held up in traffic were happy for me.
Bristol looked like a happy town with plenty of water to swim in, a great park where my friends could play, and neat looking old buildings, one of which Dan ate at. He told me later the food was really good.
There was a large arrival party and they looked happy to see me get there. I suppose some of them might have been happy to see Dan, but I was clearly the star! Per the picture below and listing them from the left to the right, there were Spencer Finch (Director of Sustainable Development at Pennsylvania Environment Council); Dan; Rick Dalton (Department of Natural Resources); Diane Marseglio (Bucks County Commissioner); Robyn Trunell (Borough Council); Andy Hamilton (Pennsyvania ECG Committee Chair) ; Jeff Darwak (with the Bucks County redevelopment Aurthority); and Don Fisher (ECG Board Member). I don't know what all these things mean, but I was impressed they came to see me arrive. I like Bristol and I want to come back!

Your canine friends in Rhode Island -- Angus, Boboli, and Jackie Chan -- send you lots of wags and wish we could trot with you!